Why You May Be Feeling Emotionally Heavy and What To Do About It

May 17, 2022 | Podcast

Audio Podcast

Why You May Be Feeling Emotionally Heavy and What To Do About It

This conversation has been coming up a lot lately. With my coaching clients, my family my friends. This feeling of heaviness.

I feel a heaviness sometimes with all that is going on. Are you feeling it too?

It’s everything from the pandemic that just won’t go away to supply chain issues and politics, and it can leave us feeling emotionally heavy. The problem is that we aren’t meant to carry all of this heaviness, and in some cases, we take more on without knowing. In this article, we’ll discover why we feel what we feel and what we can do differently so that we don’t feel as weighed down.

As women, we often take on too much. Because we are responsible for a lot, we get lost in trying to focus on everything and spread ourselves too thin. If we aren’t careful, the heaviness that we feel will become a downward spiral. Tune in to find out what you can do about it.

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