When you make your career all about you, whether it’s in a positive light or a negative one, you reduce your potential to grow.
Many leadership consultants will tell you that being a leader is about the “we” and not the “me” philosophy. Career success is no different. After all, you are the leader of you and your own career but it’s not just the role you have in getting to the next level, it’s the people you involve along the way.
If there was one attitude adjustment I needed earlier on in my corporate career and business, it’s that I didn’t have to have it all figured out. That I didn’t have to have each and every detail mapped out before I took any action. I’m sure there were other adjustments I required, many of them as a matter of fact, but this attitude really caused a lot of stress in my life. Because I was caught in this wicked cycle of not knowing what I didn’t know and not being able to figure it out, I became a champion of overthinking, ruminating, and self-doubt.
Does this sound familiar to you?
When you make it all about you, whether it’s in a positive light or a negative one, you reduce your potential to grow. You miss out on opportunities that can lift you and support you to your next level of career by not allowing anyone else to be a part of it.
Instead of isolating yourself, brainstorm with other smart, savvy business professionals and possibly uncover the very solution you need or perhaps one even better.
When you feel uncertain of your direction, reach out and allow others to point out your talents and gifts. These are the things you are naturally good at but may not be sure how to utilize. They can help.
If you’re procrastinating, others can hold you accountable for your goals. There’s nothing like making a commitment to get it done and the deadline’s tomorrow, for some great motivation.
Are you playing small in your career? The right mentor can encourage and advise you to reach for more.
Do you get excited about an idea only to have your negative self-talk go on a rampage until you’re talked right out of it again? Have conversations with people who have tried it. They can share what worked and what didn’t so you’re not reinventing the wheel.
Quit the overthinking and ruminating and get clear on what is really important to focus on so that you are getting the results you deserve, just make sure you’ve got other people along for the ride.
Debbie Peterson is a business keynote speaker and coach for professionals who want more clarity, focus, momentum, and results in their business.