How to Set Healthy Boundaries at Work to Avoid Burnout

Jul 26, 2022 | Podcast

Audio Podcast

How to Set Healthy Boundaries at Work to Avoid Burnout

We all know the feeling of being overwhelmed at work. We’ve taken on too much, juggling a million different tasks and just trying to keep our head above water.

But, we are more than our jobs, and work isn’t who we are — not even if we love what we do. There’s more to us than just working, and healthy work boundaries allow us to protect our time, energy, and purpose while also ensuring that we are as fulfilled as possible.

Having distinct boundaries doesn’t mean that we will not think of work when we are at home or that we will not think about personal issues during work time. We don’t have switches in our heads that allow us to turn off who we are or what’s going on in our lives.

Tune in here to find out what to do instead.

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